It is impossible for us to see the world through the eyes of animals (as much as we wanted to), but thanks to science we can imagine what their vision is like.

We compiled 10 remarkable examples of how different we perceive reality.

10. How Sharks See the Underwater World

Until recently it was believed that sharks had poor eyesight. However, research and scientific experiments disproved this claim. Sharks see the world painted gray or light green and objects, contrasting.

9. How snakes see the world

Snakes’ special organs for sensing heat sources help them to search for prey in the dark and protect themselves from large predators. This ability to see sources of heat does not exist in other animals.

8. How dogs see the world

Dogs do not distinguish red from green, for them both are yellow or orange. Many people do not suspect that, looking at a traffic light, their furry friend has no idea what color it indicates. The dog is based on the intensity of each color and on the actions of other people.

7. How bees see the world

Bees see the broadest color spectrum that includes ultraviolet light. This allows them to easily find pollen on the flowers.

6. How cuttlefish see the world

Despite their incredible ability to change their body color, the sight of cuttlefish leaves much to be desired. Their pupil is W-shaped and has only one photoreceptor, allowing them to see nothing but shades of gray.

5. How Sparrows See the World

These little birds that we see everywhere see the world through pink lenses. For some reason, they don’t like the color blue and are also afraid of glitter.

4. How eagles see the world

Eagles are able to see their prey from several kilometres and if the bird helps itself by moving its head, this distance can be doubled. Eagles can scan an area of 13 square kilometres.

3. How owls see the world

At night owls can see 3 times better than humans. They do not have eyeballs, rather their eyes are “tubular”, but the lack of binocular vision is rewarded with excellent night vision and hyperopia, making them powerful nocturnal predators.

2. How Cats See in the Dark

Cats lead a nocturnal lifestyle, therefore their activity begins after the sun goes down. That is why they need to have good vision at night. In cats eyes there are 6 to 8 times more rods sensitive to weak lighting, which helps them see so well in the dark.

1. How cats see the world

Cats distinguish enough colors to make their life colorful. Generally, the cat world is painted in shades of blue, gray and green. They look bad purple and yellow colors and other shades for them are not available. Cats’ eyesight has a lower resolution than humans, so they see objects a bit blurry.